Akatsuki by LanWu

Akatsuki by LanWu
Addictive As It Is Lifeforce

Friday, April 23, 2010

Chapter 1: What is Dirty Money to you?

[ I included myself as the main character in the story, so have fun reading! ] [ And I am not being self conscious or perasan ]

The sky grew dark as everyone returned home. Yen crept out from her window, turning back to close the window. She held the window sill and jumped down to the still ground quietly as the wind blew. The wind fiddled with her short hair. She looked around. 'Noone. Good,' she thought. She held her axe over her shoulder as her tail swung from side to side. Every once in a while, the ninja checked her surroundings for a living soul.
                Yen slowed her pace and paused on her tracks as she glanced at the moon. "Oh joy! The time has come!" she said to herself as a dark figure walked towards her. It gave her a piece of paper and left without a word. Knowing what her job was, she continued her tracks to the assigned place. The lane before laid twisting and curling, however still, she seemed to know her way well enough to walk with her head down.
    Through alleys she walked, she came towards a crowded village bustling with loud noise. Yen blended into the heavy crowd as she walked into the crowd. People stared at her as she walked past them. Yen was used to them. She does not feel embarassed and humiliated. They called her names and all. Still, she was fine with it. Not only that, she enjoyed the stares of the people she walked past and grinned happily as she continued her mission. Standing tall with her ears perking up and her tail continued to swing accordingly to her movements with her axe in her hand.

                Finally, she stopped in front of a shop, more like a bar though. Yen looked up at the sign and looked down at the paper. She looked up at the sign again and sticked her tongue out at it. It was a habit of doing that when she gone to her missions. She stepped in the bar and franticly looked around. "No. No. He is not here."

               Not giving up, she went out of the bar through the back door. Her target was right in front of her. "Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ Yen-chan will get her money soon!!!~" she cried loud enough for her target to notice her presence. Yen's aura changed as she charged herself towards the target and lunged him onto the wall. Her target, filled with shock, hardly even defend himself when Yen made her final move. "Bye bye~ Nyaaa~"

              She swung her axe towards her target and that was the end of him. His blood spluttered everywhere at her. She grabbed the target's leg and dragged him along the back alley. She stopped as the very same dark figure came up towards her and gave her a sack. She opened it and grinned with pleasure. She bowed as she thanked the dark figure who took the body away. She stared at the figure as he walked away with the body over his shoulders. "Hey!! What are you going to do with the body anyway?!?!"

           No answer. She turned away and walked like she had always prefered, back to her home. She glanced up at the moon which was high up in the sky. "Moooon~" she muttered to herself. She climbed up the wall and jumped up onto the roof. Yen laid down with her hands behind her head. With her money and axe close to her, Yen closed her eyes as she fell into a deep slumber.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Hi to all. This blog is still under maintainace. I am trying to get ideas [really good ones for crazy Naruto Akatsuki fans]. I apologise for the inconvinience.